Tuesday, June 7, 2016


Tonight a friend asked me which fictional character I identified with.  We had been discussing Buffy, The Vampire Slayer (my favorite tv show).  And I think it's Anya.  For those of you who don't know, she was a human done wrong by her man, became a vengeance demon for 1000 years and because of a bad deal became human again.

We see her re-learn to feel human emotions.  She falls in love, feels hurt, can't understand why humans don't just say what they mean and basically be very blunt.  But the moment she shines as truly human is when Buffy's mom dies.  She doesn't understand.  She doesn't know what to do or how to deal with it.

A lot of the time, I just want people to explain why to me.  Why can't we help poor people? Why can't we take care of our veterans? Why can't people have access to healthcare? Why does everyone leave me?  Yeah.  I went there.  I'm pretty obsessed with that right now.

But no one will ever tell me why.  They just expect me to understand like it's blatantly obvious. I feel like Anya a lot these days.

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